Tuesday 26 May 2009

Local Food Ideas

Please feel free to comment here to give some ideas about what local food initiatives we should have in Southampton. They could be small or large, even expensive, but please focus on things that we can achieve without relying too heavily on the council/government/NHS at this current time.

I'm eager to get things up and running with some attention-grabbing projects--something that the Daily Echo might want to cover, and something that would look good in photos on our website!

Please give me your ideas!


Megan said...

I want:
- a series of workshops on preserving food
- cookery lessons (fairly informal)
- gardening on council estate property
- screenings of Farm for the Future
- advice from Sustain about how Southampton can feed itself (and a conference as well!)
- a Food Up Front/Eat the Suburbs focus on getting people to have container gardening--even if only on a windowsill
- Permablitzes!!
- Workshops on gardening to encourage beneficial insects.

Nina Lambert said...

I think getting people together as food co-ops or more informally to share veg boxes or start small greengrocers on people's doorsteps is one way to go.