Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Idling engines

The day after we met I felt empowered to gesture (politely) to two drivers parked at the kerbside to please turn off their engines. The first was happy to oblige; the second wound down his window and said "I'm just going " in an aggrieved tone.

Now I realise that my behaviour was risky and I hesitate to recommend it - what do others think? We did save some CO2.

Nina Lambert


Anonymous said...

Well done Nina.

I think that people are less likely to respond aggressively to a woman than to a man.

A few times I have told people I have seen drop litter to pick it up and put it in the bin. Whilst some just ignored me others, most did do as I had asked. People have been sheepish and embarrassed, but not rude.

In terms of risk, I think that it depends on the situation (who are you speaking to, who are you with, time of day, are they inebriated!). For example I probably wouldn't say anything to a man if I was with my boyfriend in case I ended up getting him beaten up!

Megan said...

Nina, I think you totally did the right thing!

I think that as long as you are polite, most people will take comments on board. And maybe, with enough reminding, they'll change.

I think also just being a good role model (like picking up litter when you know there are people watching) can also help. At least, I'd like to think so!

Jani said...

I've done the same - I mean, part of me thinks maybe I shouldn't be telling people what to do, but then it's everyones planet, isn't it!

I agree with Megan that being role model is very effective though, and that comments have to be polite - I try to use humour. What I don't think works is any indication that you are being judgemental!

Nina Lambert said...

Thanks for your responses.

Interestingly enough, the rudest person so far was the third, a scantily dressed woman in a warm car eating a sandwich - she responded with a finger gesture, clearly thinking that her "caravan diner" needed heating and what business was it of mine to object?

I cold weather I see her point...

Lynn regory said...

I think you are very brave to ask people to pick up litter!!

I would like to but expect aggravation !.

It really annoys me that people regularly get away with this.

I am always picking up litter in our comunal gardens where i live especially cans of lager (empty) and fast food wrappings!!"

I have tried to get the council to put a bin opposite one fast food place in portswood.

I will have another go to see if they will.

I think all shops ie newsagents fast food places should have a bin outside and banks, they have ripped us off a lot so I feel they have an obligation to put a bin outside as people throw trheir
receipts on the ground.

Those tiny tin things outside banks are worse than useless!!

Keep safe and vigilant!!

Lynn Gregory