Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Food Campaign

Here are some ideas for the food campaign that we came up with at the meeting. The next step will be to pick some of these and flesh them out into actions, events, or campaigns. Your thoughts are not only appreciated, they are essential!!

Food Campaign

We had a think about what food events/issues we would like to cover during the food campaign, and ideas included:

- learning about permaculture

- focus on local food – Hampshire Fare

- food foraging lessons from an ethnobotanist

- urban gardening – home small space

- sharing an allotment/community urban gardens/garden shares

- WHY food is an environmental issue

- The WI have done a partnership with WRAP for Love Food, Hate Waste and have a workbook and report that groups can use to try to reduce their personal food waste available here or from http://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/.

- Encouraging the City Council to include more food gardening space in their Open Spaces

- Environmental benefits of vegetarianism/veganism/eating less meat

- Making a cost per serving recipe book to encourage people who think they can't afford organic or local food to try it.

- How to reduce energy in cooking

Please add more ideas to this and then we can pick a few to start turning into action.

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