Monday 2 February 2009

February Challenge - Be more aware!

This challenge is a little vague. The idea is to be more aware of where your food is coming from. Has it travelled a long way? Does it come from the kind of farm you want to support? Does it come from a government you approve of? Does it come from a place where they treat their workers well? You can try to tackle all or only some of these questions. It is completely up to you.

If you can, as Spring has suggested, keep a notebook of all the countries of origin of your food, that would be an amazing document. If that's beyond you in terms of free time, we'll all understand! Take on as much of this challenge as you want.

This was brought up by Anna, who staged a mini bit of activism at the supermarket with Israel produce being attacked by stickers showing bombs in shopping trolleys and little plastic soldiers. She has more stickers left if you want to be at one with the activist in you!

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